Role of Vagus Nerves in human body

Vagus is the latin word for wandering.Vagus nerve is the main channel of communication between GI tract and the brain which sends signals in both diractions. It takes a long wandering course through the body. Vagus nerves are the longest cranial nerve running from brain to large intestine. Left side nerve runs down left side and right one runs down right side of the body. They exit from medulla oblongata in lower brain stem that connects to spinal cord. 

Medulla oblongata being a connection between the brain stem and spinal cord controls breathing, heart rate and blood pressure carrying multiple functional centers like cardiovascular - respiratory regulation system descending motor tracts, and origin of cranial nerves ix, x, xi and xii.  If this is damaged, can lead to respiratory failure  paralysis or loss of sensation.          

Vagus nerve carry signals between the brain, heart and immune system. They are key part of parasympathetic nervous system. Vagus nerve stimulation can treat depression and epilepsy. These functions are voluntary meaning one can't control them conciously. Vagal nerves are part of body's nervous system. Plays important role in involuntary sensory and motor (movement) functions including Mood, Digestion, immune system responses, heart rate, blood pressure and respiration, mucus and saliva production, speech, taste, skin and muscle sensations, urine output.

Since vagus nerves effects so many body functions, there are many signs one may have that causes vagul nerve dysfunction which include abdominal pain, acid reflux, difficulty swallowing, bloating, dizziness, fainting, voice change, lack of gag reflux. There are two main reasons of vagus dysfunction - previous infection or inflammation, and physical or psychological stress. An  underperforming vagus nerve can be caused by excessive stress, disease, infections, inflammations or certain medications. Well functioning vagus nerves can have effect from anxiety levels to heart rate to digestion to weight gain and much more.

The steps below can help in regulating vagus veins to reduce inflammation, vagal tone and ensure overall healthy sympathetic and parasympathetic balance. It can help more quickly to recover after period of stress, improve digestion and other full body benefits.

1. Deep breathing or Meditation or both -  When you exale few counts longer than you inhale, vagus nerve sends signals to brain to turn up parasympathetic nervous system. Meditation is to improve sleep. pain, apetite, anxiety and gastrointestinal function via direct effect on vagal tone. 

2. Take a cold shower- - Acute cold exposure activates vagus nerve as well as various neurons on the vagus nerve pathway causing a shift towards  parasympathetic nervous system activity.

3. Gargling with water for 30 seconds to 1 minute activate the muscles in the back of throat connected to vagus nerve.  

4. Deep slow belly breathing, aim at 6 breathing per minute  Human mind processes one thing at a time. If one focusses on the rhythem of breathing, one is not focussed on stressor. 

5. Maintain a healthy weight.Obesity and gut inflammation can disrupt vagal activity and so negatively affect connection between the brain and GI tract. Eat spinach, seeds,  nuts, bananas and poultry. Chew food thoroughly. 

6. Hum your favourite tune. 

7. Massage your outer side of ear. 

All these practices are safe and free for doing at home.Regular stimulation supports hence bring a sense of calm to your body. 






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