
Showing posts from October 13, 2019

The World Bank and Climate Change

The World Bank is an international organisation that helps emerging market countries to reduce poverty. Its first goal is to end extreme poverty. It wants no more than 3% of people to live on $1.90 a day or less by 2030. Its second goal is to promote shared prosperity. It wants to improve the incomes of the bottom 40% of the population of each country. Since 1947, the World Bank has funded more than 12,000 projects. It is not a bank in the conventional sense of the word. Instead, it consists of two development institutions. One is International Bank of Reconstruction and Development which provides Loans, Credits and Grants. The second is International Development Association which provides loans to low or No- interest to low income countries. The Bank works closely with three other organisations in the World Bank Group. These are - 1) International Finance Corporation (IFC) provides Advice, Investment and Asset Management to     companies and Governments. 2) Multilatera...