Understanding and Manage Stress
Stress is a major problem for many, curiously it is also a matter of Pride in many circles. It is the bane of executives who are dogged by competition and ambition. Stress is the inability to cope with a real or imagined threat to mental, physical,emotional and spiritual well being resulting into a series of physiological responses and adaptations. It can be caused by good and bad experiences. As human beings, we live at several levels. Coping refers to our efforts to mange stressful situations. People are often reluctant to reveal that they are stressed and will resist any suggestion that actions needs to be taken. As such, stress gets into the 'shadows' hidden from view. This will continue until it bursts out into the open by which time it might be either too late for remedial action or damage control becomes costly. Everyone responds differently to stress. Some people seem to thrive during stressful situations while others are exhausted. Pressure is inevitable. The solutio...