Steps To Control Credit Card Skimming
Credit Card skimming is a type of Credit card theft where crooks use a small device to steal credit card information in an otherwise legitimate Debit or Credit card transaction. When a card is swiped through skimmer, the device captures and stores all the details stored in the card's magnetic stripe. The stripe contains the Credit card number, expiry date and the Holder's full name. Thieves use the stolen data to make fraudulent charges either through online or with a counterfeit credit card. Credit card skimmers are often placed over the card swipe mechanism on ATMs and Gas stations, but the skimmers can be placed on almost any type of card reader. With ATMs, small undetectable camera may also be placed nearby to record you entering your PIN. This gives all the information needed to make fake cards and draw cash from Cardholder's account. Occasionally, we hand over card to a worker in a restaurant or retail store to cover the check. The person walks away with the card ...