How To Grow, Care And Harvest Your Tea - Part - III
A further addition to tea varieties are - 1) STEVIA - It is a popular alternative to to refined sugar and other Sweeteners, makes a delicious addition to tea. It grows well in average, well-drained soil and partial afternoon shade to full sun. Stevia seeds are hesitant to sprout, so to start with a purchased plant. Pinch back often to promote bushiness and delay flowering. Gather sprigs and brew fresh in boiling water to your strength preference. Gather stems to dry before plants bloom in midsummer. 2) CAMELLIA SINENSIS - This is the plant from which tea is made. Tea leaves contain caffeine and the leaves can be processed in different ways to produce different kinds of teas. Despite its variety, all tea comes from the same plant whether it is white, Green, Oolong, Black etc all made of the leaves of the camellia sinensis plant. 3) WHITE TEA - It has generally undergone minimal processing between harvest and consumption. To prepare white tea leaves, snip freshly grown...