Steps for farmers to boost Indian economy
Agriculture is central to the Indian economy. In India, about 80% of farmers are smallholders -which is generally considered to mean that they have two hectares or less of land. More is needed to be done since crop yields in India are still 30% to 60% of the best sustainable crop yields achievable in the farms of developed and other developing countries. Poor infrastructure and unorganized retail means India has one of the world's highest levels of post- harvest food loss. It is now a time for change. We must be prepared to face long outstanding issues and new realities. Natural resources on which agriculture is based - Land and Water, above all, are being degraded and there is growing competition for their use. Climate change is already severe and aggravate this situation, making agriculture more risky, will have even greater impact in future. In such context, public-private partnership (PPP) model be the game changer India's agriculture sector needs.With the Governme...