Colonization of USA
It was about 500 years before Christopher Columbus, Vikings set foot in North America and established a settlement there. Spain was the first European power to sponsor the voyages of Christopher Columbus which settled and colonize areas of North to South America. The first British colony -Virginia was founded in 1607 and last was Georgia in 1732. By 1650, England established a dominant presence in Atlantic coast. America is named after Amerigo Vestpucci, a Italian exporter who set forth the concept that lands Christopher Columbus sailed to in 1492 was part of a separate continent. Before 1776, USA was not a country. Individual states were colonies of British empire ruled by King and parliament of British empire. They ruled for about 169 years till 1776 when the American revolution began in 1776 till 1783 when 13 colonies became USA. Spain gave support to USA by signing treaty with France and went to war against Britain. Trapped between American and french forces on land and fren...