Factors responsible for creation of Black money
Black money has been a main problem for all sectors of economy. It has active operations in real estate, Gold, precious metals, money markets and a lot more. In other words, this parallel economy emerges through manipulation of economic forces of demand and supply both of currency and commodities. It also emerges when trade and industry create artificial scarcity of and earn high return on investment by making profits. As a result, black money generates unreported income. There are various factors responsible for emergence of black money which I would like to share as follows, which one needs to understand - 1. Concept of black money started from Second World War - During this time when supply of various industrial goods from traditional suppliers was cut off resulting into grave shortages of goods. British Govt. indulged into raising of taxes and diverted the funds in order to meet war expenses In these circumstancs, many indulged in making profits from the goods which were short...