Truth of Soul
Soul purpose is to understand the truth of who we are and then share with the world. It is a feeling rather than a physical thing. It is why we do something rather than what we do - simple as smiling at a passerby in the street or Grand as trying to save the world. The most common objection of existence of Soul is the difficulty to explain that how something which is non physical can possibly cause the body to move. The two are so different that possibly cannot interact with each other. We know that one thing can casually interact with each other, though we may not have any idea how such interraction take place. In each case cause seem to have different nature from the effect like forces and fields Vs.solid specially located particle like entities.Those who deny the existence of anything beyond the physical world face difficult time in explaining the reality of conciousness. Soul is the living entity inside the body and works through it. It is a spiritual spark, other side a...