Medical negligence by Doctor in private hospital in Delhi
The term 'Medical Negligence' refers to the wrongful actions and ommissions made by the Doctors while dealing with patients. It is not a term defined or reffered to anywhere in any of the enacted Indian laws. As far as the laws are concened, Doctor can be prosecuted under different sections provided for in the Indian Penal code pertaining to causing death to patient due to negligence. Medical culture encourages doctors to avoid admitting mistakes. If one becomes victim of such medical negligence, one starts to lose faith in the honesty of profession and thus compelled to believe that medical profession is taking the shape of running business where the only purpose is to earn profit and no care to the patient. This has been further reinforced by the funds flow from the Govt.(done wisely) but increased the profits of mainly private hospitals which are being run by big corporates/companies, whose main focus is on raising the value of its shares in stock exchanges. In fact, Doct...