Blog Post - 334 Reiki - a complimentary health approach
Mikao Usai, a Japanese national born on 15th August. 1865 was the father of a form of spiritual practice known as Reiki. He used this as an alternative therapy for the treatment of physical, emotional and manual diseases.Reiki is a combination of two japanese words - "rei" means God's wisdom or the higher power and "ki" means life force energy. Reiki is an energy healing technique which promotes relaxation, reduces stress and anxiety through gentle touch. The practitioners use their hands to deliver energy to the body thereby improving balance and flow of energy to support healing. Treatment process starts with the Master placing hands gently on or over a part of body. They leave their palms in that position while an energy transfer occurs which may take upto 10-15 minutes. The practitioner don't perform healing but act as a source through which the energy flows. During healing, one may feel sensations like heat, pulsing or tingling in the body, and many...