Treatment Of Thyroid Disorders
Thyroid disorders can be treated by medications, or in some cases, Surgery. Treatment will depend on the particular disease of Thyroid. Medications can be given to replace the missing Thyroid hormone in Hypothyroidism. Synthetic thyroid hormone is given in pill form by mouth. When Hypothyroidism is present, medications can be used to decrease production of Thyroid hormone or prevent its release from the Gland. Other medications can be given to help manage the symptoms of Hypothyroidism such as Increased Heart Rate. If Hypothyroidism is not controlled with medications, Radioactive Ablations (procedure done to decrease function of some, or all of Thyroid gland- is usually done with medicine called Radioactive Iodine) can be performed. Ablation involves giving doses of Iodine labelled with Radioactivity that selectively destroys the thyroid tissue. The goal of treatment for any Thyroid disorder is to restore normal blood levels of Thyroid Hormone. There are several nutrients which ar...