
Showing posts from February 22, 2019

Principles of Maintaining Self Potential

Meditation is the best tool for understanding self potential. Spending a little time to know will go a long way in bringing success in all fields. We understand and explore the world with our sense organs. It is believed that to understand the world is far more important than to understand oneself. Basically, there are three principles to understand self - 1) It is to understand that who we are? Lots of scriptures of famous saints are written on this-like- where we come from, where to go from here and so on. Meditating is the method to give light on larger perspective of life. 2) Second principle of Self Management is to hold a mirror to oneself. We will find that we decide on the basis of beliefs and opinions, we hold. We think that some things are bad and some good and we choose accordingly. We assess this on the basis of our beliefs and opinions. The analysis of - Are they well founded and are these objectives will help us to center on on these issues. 3) Third principle of S...