Role of Attitude in making up of Good Character
The word 'Attitude' comes from the Italian for 'Posture' means it is how you carry yourself, something you hold in your whole being, your entire approach to the world. Attitude is a reflection of a character's motivation which expresses itself in a positive or negative manner. Emotional reactions and resulting behavior stems from a character's attitude. The attitudes can change over time, and the adjustment usually occurs with a new understanding or a different environment. Nothing can stop the man with right mental attitude from achieving his goal, nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude. Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference. Attitude allows to categorize or group objects as a way of knowing about them. Thus, when a new object is experienced we attempt to categorize it into a group of which we know something about. Of course, there is some risk of error in not looking at the unique aspects or new information ab...