25 Heart Healthy Foods
Body is a finely tuned machine and to keep it running in top form, proper fuel is needed to stay heart healthy. Following is a list of 25 of the best foods to protect heart and blood vessels, along with Menu suggestions to incorporate these items into daily meals. 1) SALMON - is a chock full of Omega- 3 fatty acids which can decrease the risk of abnormal heart beats (Arrhythmias), lower Triglyceride levels and slow growth of Plaque in the arteries, and slightly lower Blood Pressure. It is recommended eating Omega-3 foods including salmon thrice a week. A versatile food. Grill it with a rub or marinade. Chop some and add to pasta dish with fat free sauce or add to salads. 2) FLAXSEEDS (GROUND) - Also has Omega 3s, along with both soluble and insoluble fibre and and Lignans, which have both Plant Estrogen and anti oxidant qualities. Ground flaxseed is easy to incorporate in diet, can be sprinkled ...