History Of Double Entry Accounting System
Somewhere between 10000 to 15000 years ago, communities learnt to cooperate with each other in a way that gave them access to a wider range of resources. Trade was no longer limited to those who had goods that were valuable to each other allowing people to benefit from the fruits of many other types of labor. For this to work, they needed something to symbolize the exchange of resources, something offering a common measure of value. Early money came in a variety of formats, from feathers and Vodka, to cow dungs and grains. Coins did not emerge until between 500 to 700 BC. Both currency and accounting began ''concrete counting'' which means counting being object-specific. As long as the civilizations have been engaging in trade or organized system of Govt., methods of record keeping, Accounting and Accounting tools have been in use. Some of the earliest known writings discovered by Archaeologists are ancient tax records on clay tablets from Egypt and Mesopotamia (anci...