Carbon Tax Makes Sense
A Carbon tax can discourage the use of fossil fuels and encourage a shift to less- polluting fuels, thereby limiting the Carbon Dioxide emission that are by far the most prevalent Green house gas Deterring the burning of fossil fuels is crucial to reducing the accumulation of heat-trapping green house gases in the earth's atmosphere. Carbon taxes, levied on Coal, Oil products and Natural gas in proportion to their carbon content, can be collected from fuel suppliers. They in turn will pass on the tax in the form of higher prices for electricity, gasoline, heating oil and so on,as well for the products and services that depend on them. This provides incentives to Producers and Customers alike to reduce energy use and shift to lower-Carbon fuels or Renewable energy sources through Investment and Behavior. While addressing climate change by reducing Greenhouse gases, Carbon Taxes can also generate more immediate Health and Environmental benefits, particularly reducing deaths tha...