Salt Salary Myth
The word 'Salary' can be traced to ancient Rome and history of salt. Salt was used as a trading medium just as money is used today. Ancient Roman warriors who served the empire received payment as a handful of salt each day. Their monthly allowance was called "Salarium" (salt being the latin word of salt). the Latin root can be recognized in the French word "Salaire" - and eventually made it into the English language as the word "Salary". Salt is essential to the survival of humans. As a result, ancient civilizations and communities started to settle down beside rivers and water bodies from where they could get salt, or in locations where could easily trade for salt. When Rome was growing into one of the greatest empires of the world, roads were being made for the easy transportation of salt. All through the middle ages, Roman empire transported salt via these roads to the Germanic tribes. Huge caravans as many as 40,000 camels crossed 400 miles o...