Blog 336 - Activation of Reiki symbols for treatment
It is quite necessary to understand the activation of Reiki symbols which are to be used for giving treatment. By keeping the person to be treated in mind, following are three ways to attune and activate the symbols:- 1. One can activate while doing hands on healing by drawing the symbols with the fingers on self or others. Wait for few seconds for the effect to take place and notice the effect. 2. While doing distance healing, one can draw the symbols in the mind on the image of the person, event, situation, place or goal. Again, wait for few seconds for the effect to take place and treat it towards end to the session. 3. While visualising or drawing the symbols with the fingers, name of the symbol be repeated. For people, who are not so visual or how choose not to visualize, just repeating names three times also activates the symbols. As a matter of fact, as one continue to practise Reiki, simply the intention to use a particular symbol ac...