Side Effects After Removing Gal Bladder / Stones
I have earlier made a post here about the Causes, Symptoms and treatment of Gall Bladder Stones. I am now sharing my views on the side effects after the removal of Gall Bladder and the stones. Gal Bladder removal is the last resort, but, one may try lifestyle changes first before surgery becomes necessary.Gal Bladder removal is a fairly common procedure, but it's always possible that one may experience some side effects. Knowing how to identify and reduce symptoms, side effects and complications before and after surgery may make for an easier experience. Fortunately, one can live a healthy life without Gal Bladder and the surgery to remove it is relatively simple. Without a Gal Bladder, bile can move directly from Liver to intestines to aid in digestion. However, there are still some chance one might experience after Gal Bladder removal. Gal Bladder surgery side effects 1. Difficulty in Digesting fat - It may take sometime for your body to adjust to its new method of ...