
Showing posts from March 12, 2020

Fiscal Transparency For Better Economic Policy In India

Economic development projects and increased social initiatives will be vital in the coming years in India. In order to generate the revenue needed to get them off the ground. India's debt -among the highest in the emerging markets - must be reduced. Despite some improvement in reported fiscal deficits, Debt as a share of GDP remains little changed over the past decade partly due to increases in off - budget financing. Large public sector footprints ties up financial resources that could be drawn for private investment otherwise.  Reforms to improve Budgeting and enhance transparency n fiscal reporting have main role to play in keeping debt on a durable downward trajectory. Much of the discussions regarding fiscal policies in India focuses on its Central and State Govt. deficits. However a broader and more relevant measure of the Govt.'s fiscal position and its bearing on the economy is the Public Sector borrowing requirement which has risen to 8..5% (app.) of GDP. In other ...