
Showing posts from May 24, 2019

Remembering Happy Memories

As we age, the percentage of anxiety driven thoughts increase since a lifetime of anxieties produce unpleasant memories which shadows the happy ones. Any time you ask people about happy moments in their lives, they have to think hard. But ask them about unpleasant or sad moments, they will come easily with many. Neurobiology throw some light on it. There are sufficient indications that bad/ unpleasant thoughts occupy a major portion of our thinking. There is Socio- biological reasoning for it. In order to survive, humans developed strategies to get resources and ward off enemies and predators. This helped in developing the controlling instinct which allowed us to control our environment and hoard resources. All these came with the baggage of bad of harming others and in turn being harmed by them. These thoughts which lead to traumatic events produce very powerful memories in our brains. It has been observed that once anxiety-driven thoughts kick in, more and more negative thoug...