
Showing posts from July 19, 2020

Better to get rid of Ego

Ego is essentially the sense of being a separate being from the rest of the world takes credit for accomplishments and blame others for what goes wrong. It can express just as easily as a sense of  superiority, or a sense of being injured, as a sense of importance or a sense being neglected. The ego,however, is not what you really are. The ego is your self-image, a social mask, is the role you are playing. Social mask thrives on approval. It wants to control, sustained by power, because it lives in fear. Inflated egos are the type of people who - 1, Who do not enjoy seeing others receive credit. 2. Never see the skills of someone else as superior to their own. 3. Must be out front, all the time. 4. Are poor communicators. Can talk but do not communicate with other people well. 5. Cannot step aside and let someone else use his talents and skills. 6. Do not understand and accept a Teamwork approach to the tasks at hand. 7. Would see the task they are involved in fail if they do not r...