
Showing posts from May 9, 2023

Link between Soul, Spirit and Character

Aristotle (384-322 BCE) defined Soul as the 'first actuality' of a naturally organised body and argued its separate existence from the physical body. Soul consists of mind, charaacter, thoughts and feelings of body. It is the nonphysical aspect of a human body considered responsible for the functions of mind and individual personality and thought to live after the death of physical body. It is important to note that soul is not merely the mind. Soul has its own character. Soul is independent. Character refers to the combination of qualities which distinguish individuals from each other. Character depends upon how we behave when faced with challenges and adversities. A human being has soul, mind and body. They are separate because they are independent. They are united because they reside in same body and communicate with each other. Knowledge will give respect but character respect.  The function of soul is to maintain the spirit and the body in proper order so that they will no...