
Showing posts from April 4, 2024

Journey of Soul - From Death to Rebirth

After leaving the body, Soul leaves in the realm ( a region, sphere or domain within which anything occurs) of unconscious and experience their Karmic Pain or Pleasure. This gap of time continues until the very strongest subtle impression raises and its karmas of the past life push the soul to take rebirth.  Birth takes place when nature finds a body that meets the need of  our Karmic impressions and brings us the parents who have the similar Karmic impressions. This process provides the sense of  security to the unconscious mind. Then the Pranic forces re-emerges from nature and give life to the body and the Soul (Jiva) enters the fetus.  Our Upnishads says that in Pregnancy formation of Brain and Concious mind gets done which provides soul with tools to think and feel. Due to absence of sensory diversion, unconcious mind of the fetus is more active  and experiences the unconciousness intensely. The Soul knows about its rebirth. It remembers  the past life...