
Showing posts from July 9, 2019

Robots, Automation & Jobs

Machines have been taking our jobs forever. But Economists, as practitioners of the " dismal science", have always been upbeat about that. Sure, machines destroy jobs. But, for new industries that new technology enables create even more new jobs. There may be a bit of disruption between destruction and creation, but that's Capitalist's business as usual. We have lived through the stage, call as Automation 1.0. A typical example - car manufacturing. Henry Ford's production line to change into Toyota's machine and as a consequence where few humans are visible on an assembly line. Once upon a time, car industry employed thousands of people called as Blue collar workers. Now, it employs far fewer. The Robots did take their jobs. In some cases, those made redundant found other jobs but many didn't. Some times, communities were devastated as a result. But, GDP went up, so Economists were happy. Now, we are beginning on automation 2.0. This is largely drive...