Virus wars is like a World War
The COVID -19 pandemic could be the first spark in a deadly clash between Nature and Humanity. It is like a train wreck in a slow motion. This clash could turn out to be the spark that ignites a whole-of-global-society meltdown like in the world wars of 20th century. Those were conflicts with humanity. Few may have recognized it yet, but the world wars of 21st century have already begun and unlike of those of the past century, new conflicts are between humanity and nature. The world witnesses two wars today - one is alarmingly offensive war the deadly novel Coronavirus wages spreading COVID -19 and killing thousands of people every day, and other is defensive war the nations of the world are waging against the microscopic pathogen, with their nuclear bombs and other lethal weapons ineffective in this exchange. When it was triggered, like World War I, by a cruel twist of fate, it was a case of fragile systemic waiting dangerously to be exposed. Over-...