How To Make A Good Election Speech
During election period, candidates will often speak to Media or directly to People in their electorate about the issues they stand for. The goal of the an election speech is to persuade an elector to vote for a candidate. A campaign speech must convey an overall message to the intended audience. It must appeal to the emotions and feelings of the audience and connect spoken words to persons who will hopefully support the candidate giving the speech. The greatest impact a speech can have is to mobilise a group of people to support, fund and to work for the candidate making the speech. All this must be clearly articulated during the beginning of the speech. Following six tips are useful for writing a powerful Election Campaign speech - 1) Get potential voters on side. 2) Get you message out fast. 3) Give equal measure to empathy, warmth and authority. 4) Stay in control and be confident. 5) Use repetition to best effect. 6) Take inspiration from great orators. Start the speech ...