
Showing posts from October 18, 2020

Deal With Honest Mistakes

Honest mistake is a mistake done innocently, or without malice intended. There was no thought of harming someone else or taking advantage of a situation caused by the mistake. Mistakes are part of being human. If you want to let go of your past, change your mindset.   I wish I had a better answer, but that would make life too easy and end all the great accomplishments achieved through adversity. Never forget mistakes do not define you. How you respond and react to them does. When others make mistakes, we easily share the truth that it is okay to make mistakes. We usually accept their apologies easily (if they seem honest at least) and forgive them. After all, to err is human.  But when we are confronted with our own mistakes, it suddenly becomes a lot harder to accept ours. We once again show the length to which we will go to try and cover up the mistakes. Shame about what is done, anger at yourself for being so stupid, fear of the consequences, they can all contribute to...