IPIIP Prog. - Improvement in Indian Economy
It is true that Govt. of India is spending and has focussed on Skill Development for the youth by providing them training/courses for enhancing their career prospects which will give more productivity to the country and strengthen the economy. It is often observed on different media forums about the discussions among the panels the existence of shortage of jobs. The pace of providing jobs is not adequately addressed for such youth for which increased momentum is needed. Moreover shortage of jobs is inducing trained and skilled youngsters who can afford make attempts to go for foreign jobs and settle thereby causing Brain drain out of the country which may effect adversely to the economy in the long run. It is therefore necessary that the Govt. should start IPIIP which is - "Identification, Promotion and Implementation of Industrial Projects" scheme with active involvement of States.The module be made on industry specific basis, for example IPIIP for Sugar, Co...