Protection Of Nuclear Power Plants
One reason many people oppose Nuclear Power because they think Nuclear Plants are like enormous Nuclear bombs, just waiting to explode and wipe out civilisation. It is true that Nuclear plants and Bombs are both based on Nuclear reaction in which Atoms split apart, but that's generally where the similarity begins and ends. To start with, very different grades of Uranium are used in Power plants and Nuclear bombs ( some use Plutonium, but that's a different story). Bombs need extremely pure enriched Uranium-235 which is made by removing contaminants (another Isotope of Uranium -238) from naturally occurring Uranium unless the contaminants are removed, they stop a Nuclear chain reaction from occurring. Power plants can work less purified, much more ordinary Uranium providing they add another substance called a Moderator. The moderator, made of carbon or water effectively converts the less pure Uranium so it will allow a chain reaction to happen. The important thing to know abou...