Famous Deserts Of The World
A desert is an Arid, barren land with little vegetation. Essentially uninhabited Deserts make up roughly one-third of planet's land area. Deserts are no less inhospitable today than in the past. Modern methods of transportation allows to take a close-up look on these regions which were considered extremely difficult in the past -impossible to reach. These are : - 1) NAMIB DESERT - At an age of 43 million years is widely accounted for the world's oldest desert is located on the coast of Southern Africa. A diverse set of animals live here, many of which exist nowhere in the Planet. This desert overlays coastal Namibia extending to Angola and South Africa. 2) SAHARA DESERT - This desert, which carpets a large part of Northern Africa is the third largest desert in the world. Winds and sporadic rainfall have shaped the Sahara into a landscape of dunes,Valleys...