Loshu Grid significance in numerology
In Numerology, Loshu Grid is known as a Chinese historical puzzle named after a legendary turtle (Los shu) emerged from yellow river in china with a unique grid on its shell containing 3x3 square in which each cell carries a different number from 1 to 9, in three rows where each row, column and diagonal sums to 15. The magic square has a power of numbers that impacts life and areas from education to love life, analyzed from date of birth. Format of the Grid is below -
4 9 2
3 5 7
8 1 6
Each number in the Grid corresponds to one of the five elements which are linked to Lo Shu Grid namely - Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water. In order to access Grid number, date of birth is needed which reveals about the personality, strengths and challenges of the person.
Calculate numbers by breaking down Birth Date into a single digit and placing them in the corresponding positionin the grid. This map then guides one to various aspects of life. The numbers are explained hereunder-
Number 1 - Water Element - Embodies intuition, sensitivity and creativity. About flowing with life's currents.
Number 2 - Earth Element - Signifies stability, patience and practicality. Anchor amidst the chaos.
Number 3 - Wood Element - Signifies growth, expansion and vitality. It's like a tree with branvhes out seeking the sky.
Number 4 - Wood Element - Reflects on foundation and structure essential for any growth to sustain.
Number 5 - Earth Element - Reflects peace and balance, central in the grid, reflects adaptibility and resilience, mix of all elements.
Number 6 - Metal Element - Symbolizes clarity, strength and determination - cutting through obstacles.
Number 7 - Metal Element - Sense of precision, refinement and introspection. A thinker and analyst.
Number 8 - Earth Element - Stands for discipline, ambition and control. It's the mountain that remain unmoved.
Number 9 - Fire Element - A spark that ignites change, Passion, enthusiasm and transformation.
In the Grid, numbers 4, 9, 2 are in the first row which resembles the head reflects presence of mind, energy, sharpness. Second row numbers 3,5,7 are for emotional self and heart and the last row 8,1,6 shows action, how much physical action is required.
For example. if date of birth is 16th January, 1950 then the calculations are-
Numbers present are 1 1 1 5 5 6 7 9
Numbers missing are 2 3 4 8
Three 1 1 1 lead to being talkative, extrovert. Although some People talk only when needed. Good in career.
Two 5 5 lead to mentally strong, persistent. workaholic believe in hard work, have energy and enthusiasm. Sometimes unable to express your feelings, face problems in work and family.
Single 6 a lover of home and family so much that you fear departure of them. Good adviser, have friends, a responsible person , can be a good parent just like your father whom you love a lot.
Single 7 a true learner from experiemces, have creativity and entertainment value in life, always worried about the future which shows the path of spirituality.
Single 9 Have human merits like to be social and famous in society deserve a good reputation and earn good prosperity. Have intellecrual ability to do the right things.
Missing numbers reflects relationship conflicts, fiiiancial instability, feelings of restlessness and dissatisfaction, physical and emotional health problems.
The example and the mode explained above can be followed for adding upto more knowledge,