Sarcopenia - Age Related Gradual Muscle Loss

Aging is commonly used to name the progressive decay of organism's function in later life. While enough progress has been made in extending the average expected lifespan, preserving youthfulness still remains a topic of more than reality. The inflation of aged over the younger generation and the substantial growth of care expenditure lead to economic and social stress which needs to be addressed.  As such, focus has shifted from lifespan to healthspan for the older people.  

Sarcopenia is the condition which commonly affects the elderly population and is thought to occur due to aging. It is a major factor causing in increased falls and fractures These conditions can lead to hospitalisations and surgeries which increases the risk of complications and even death. It causes to the people above 60 to both sexes equally and to the people with high body mass (Obesity). 

The natural aging process gradually begins losing muscle mass and strength during the age of 30-40. It picks up when person reaches the age of 65-80. Since the body doesn't produce the same amount of proteins for the muscle to grow results in decrease in both, number and size of muscle fibres to thin. The speed of losing may vary but one may lose 8% (approx.) of the muscle mass every decade. Though everyone loses over time, but people with sarcopenia loses more quickly.  

The possible risk factors may be -

1. Obesity.

2. Physical inactivity.

3. Insulin resistance.

4. Chronic diseases like kidney disease, chronic pulmonary disease, diabetes, cancer, HIV.

5. Reduction in hormone levels.

6. Rehumatoid arthritis.

7. Malnutrition inadequate protein intake. 

8. Decrease in number of nerve cells which sends messages from brain cells to muscles to move.

9. Decrease in ability to convert protein to energy.

The diagnosis of sarcopenia can be assessed by giving score to each of the following activity -

1. Strength.

2. Assistance in walking.

3. Rising from a chair.

4. Climbing stairs.

5. Falls.

Score each factor between 0-2 highest being 10. A score of 4 or more needs more testing.    

Muscle strength tests are - Hand grip, Walking speed, Chair stand, Timed up and go tests. 

Prevention and treatments are lifestyle changes with routine physical activity and healthy diet.  

- Just half an hour of moderate exercise each day, like walking or jogging will help keeping body               system fit and working. Proper nutrition is also necessary for exercise to be perfect. Consuming more      protein may help older adults reduce their chances of Sacropenia. 

                                             BE FIT AND HEALTHY.  






, muscle cells get smaller. In addition, with the growing age, changes in some hormones occurs which affect muscle fibers. 

The common symptom of sarcopenia is muscle weakness. Other symptoms include walking slowly, loss of stamina, trouble climbing stairs, difficulty in performing daily chores, decrease in muscle size and poor  difficulty in maintaining balamce and falls. 



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