Understanding significance of Palmistry - 1
In ancient times, Palmistry is considered as a part of Samudrika Shastra as mentioned in ancient Garuda Purana and a part of Astrology. As per Shastra, every mark on the body, lines on the palm forehead and feet speaks of the past, present and future life of an individual. It is believed to be found by Lord Brahma, creator of this universe which was later preserved by Sage Samudra and complied in 4th century AD which eventually came to be known as Samudrika Shastra. Later, Aristotle detailed Palm reading about 2500 years back. His views was that 'Lines are not written on human hand without reason.
Following factors are studied carefully in Palm reading -
1. Lines on the Palms and their position at the finger-joints.
2. Length of fingers.
3. Signs on the fingertips like Conch, Chakras, Triangle, Fish, Bow, Lotus, Star etc.
4. Analyse various mounts, bulges/parts at the roots of the fingers. These mounts are associated with the planets in the universe and display different mental, physical and emotional condition of the individual.
The inner surface of the Palm is fleshy divided by lines in long-lived person by one or two lines which go righr across, in short-lived by two which do not go right across. The correlation between length of lines and length of life became an axiom of the Pseudoscience of Palmistry or chiromancy. Each planet should be assessed for its positive and negative influences.
Following are the four lucky signs on the palm.
1. Mount of Jupiter at the base of Index finger which is associated with success. It represents the extent of ambition, confidence, leadership,authority, pride. It also reveals connection to divine aptitudes, spiritual realm.
Qualities associated with mount of Jupiter are - Governance, Growth,Expension, Govt. job, expansion, bossism, superstition, hypocrisy, religion and more contents.The size of Jupiter is so much that 11 earths can fit in the equator. It has intense gravity which can push up a person to a higher position if it is placed well on palm. Mount of Jupiter is padded on the hands of a Politician who rises to a position of honour and authority.
Sometimes, the mount is negative but gives positive results. In such case, the person works hard to get the results mount represents. No lines or few lines are considered to be better than more lines on it. More is not better less is not bad. Fewer lines indicates the person makes sound decisions in Administration, Politics, Religion.
Cross on the mount is considered to be an auspicious sign while sign cross on any other part of palm is a negative symbol. Horizontal lines are negative lines too many can degrade qualities. Too many lines overworks the mind. With fewer lines, planet rests and replenish its energies. Upward lines from mount moving or originating towards head seek honour and growth in life. Jupiter finger shows inclinations and /or personality towards a powerful position.
Every finger is connected to a planet. Index finger is connected to Jupiter which shows the path. It helps with knowledge and prosperity. Middle finger is connected to Saturn. It brings patience, wisdom and sense of discipline and responsibility. Ring finger is connected to Sun who is the king. It is for health and vitality and strengthens nervous system. Little finger known as Pinky finger is connected to Mercury and important for grip. Wearing a signet ring on this finger is an old tradition used to show one's socia status. It symbolises intelligence, intuition and persuation. Thumb is connected to Mars who stays alone.It represents willpower and ability to get the things done.
I shall be writing about other following lines/ indicators on the palm in my next blogpost.
2. Sun line - fame and recognition.
3. Money triangle
4. Mystic cross.