Role of Numerology in tracing life path

The founding father of Numerology Greek Scientist Pythagoras  discovered the  law of decoding numbers by reducing  them to digits. Thus, Numerology of numbers  operates with single-digit number 1 to 9. Numerology and Astrology are different in nature but interconnected. Numerology is the study of numbers and how the vibrations of numbers are connected to life. Astrology is the study of stars and planets and their connection with life on earth.   

It assigns an intrinsic characteristic made by combining particular features to each number. Once  you decode the meaning of numbers in the date of birth, name, one can find out the quality that embodies a person's talents, fateful signs  and character on their way.        

It helps to find the concealed meaning of the world. Three numbers - LIfe path, Attitude number, and Birth number and other three - Soul's, Power and Personality numbers are extracted from the letters of name. Each one has its own important place and most important is what can be said  as life path number. Every number has unique vibration and meaning. As numbers are everywhere right from date of birth, house number, life path number, the frequency of numbers carries powerful significance in our daily life, our spirit guides them to communicate to us. 

The magical meaning of each number is defined here -

Number 0 - Nothingness, absence of manifestation of any matter.

number 1 - Courage, power, might, bravery, resilience in life.     

Number 2 -Delicacy, flexibility, refinement, partnership, femininity.

Number 3 - Lifestyle, creativity, imagination, characteristic of a celebrity.

Number 4 - Consistency, patience, poise and balance, diligence, good organisation  

Number 5 -  Mobility, curiosity, sensation, urge to change places. versatility 

Number 6 -  Harmony, tranquility, family, romantic personality, heart and home.

Number 7 -  Self explorer, self analysis, philosophical mind.

Number 8 -  Material personality, confidence, wisdom, compromise. 

Number 9 -  Diversity, universalism, communicativeness, scale.

Life path number can be calculated by sum of date of birth i.e. day, month and the year thereafter making it into a single digit. Life path number is similar to Sun sign in astrology. It reveals  up strengths, talents, weakness and ambitions. It also explains the tone of experience and why evemts occur in past, present and future. 

Thee are three instance when path numbers 11, 22 ,33 (Master numbers). If the calculation of numbers are one of these, then one is having master life path. One can never go back and change past but can change future  and Numerology can help to do so.       


I shall be writing on Master numbers and its compatibiity in my next post. 



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