Role of Karmas in Determining Luck and Destiny

Karma means to perform actions. The motive and intent of actions taken by an individual determines his Destiny. It is not the GOD but each person who is the maker of his own destiny. Karma is not fate. If one sows good, will reap goodness, if one sows evil, will reap evil. It is call of the nature.

 It is well said ----"Forgive the person and his actions, never give in to hate, let it go, set free, Karma will take of what  is meant to be".

Each person is the cause of what he or she reaps in the world. The way they think and Physical action they perform effect their karmic intentions and results. Destiny and Luck are two concepts often used to describe events and incidents that are out of our control. Luck and destiny are excuses for personal inaction. There is no action without decision.  

.As per the law of nature,.Destiny is created by one's own karmas, which later gets inserted in new body alongwith the same Soul (which is immortal) in his/her next life. Body may change the shape but the results of past life karmas, good or bad has to be borne. 

The severity of  effects of Destiny (accumulated karmas) can be managed by adopting  following three  ways -

First, mild effects -can be managed by offering prayers to God sincerely.

Second, Strong effects - can be managed by following the principle and guidance of the able Gurus.

and Third,  has to be borne by the individual Nobody can change or reduce these effects.. 

It is in moments of one's decision to shape his destiny. One can control the destiny but not the fate. Luck is what happens when reoarations needs opportuinty. Luck never gives, it only lends.A person often meets his destiny on the road he took to avoid it. Keep always in mind that Universe never carries debts. .  





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