How to take right decisions in life

Life is a series of decisions small seemingly unconsequential, big and life altering. Decision making  is the process of choosing between the possibilities - a sort of problem solving. Decisions can make or break a project or business which quite often involve complex and unpredictable issues as well. As we go through our lives we are all forced to make decisions about the directions in life which we choose to go. To me, it is  not any different as we are faced with many choices and situations which are out of our control which take our life off our intended path.       

Decision making is an essential skill for many professions but is also needed in our personal lives. The ability to make a decision is a skill which is mostly learned through experience. First thing one should do is to define the problem which needs to be sorted out. See to it that why it is needed to be changed and gauge the effect of change in life, if it is changed. 

Emotional intelligence plays a major role in shaping our decisioins. A high level of emotional intelligencw is understanding our emotions and recognizing of others. It will facilitate better interpersonal interactions and informed personal decisions. Individual decisions might not seem to matter that much in the moment.

One should identify  worst case scenario of each choice so that you are prepared for whatsoever comes and make a backup plan in case, if required. A thorough investigation of the situation and weighing all  alternatives  to understand the possible outcome of each choice carefully. Making good decisions is also important in work life and work-life balance.

Following are three habits which one should imbibe in self as to how to make better choices in life and work -

1,  Leave some space to show your mistakes and successes. Make a habit to take out a regular time in your schedule for learning from your mistakes. This can improve mental fitness. You won't be able to  take back your mistakes but you can make a habit to learn from those decisions in order to improve your decision making skills in future. 

2. Rebound your level of self confidence - It is important to have confidence but 'overconfidence'  can negatively impact your decision - making process. You can be fully sure of the decision while still acknowledging how much you don't know or control. Be polite and humble to the unknown which will ensure that you still consider other possibiities. You won't be right all the time, even if you believe you are.

3. Don't follow mental shortcuts that can problem solving and judgements. These strategies are rule of thumb that reduce cognitive load. When you know, what they are, you can pause and analyze the effect they are  having on your decision making. This take some time because shortcuts, we feel comfortable and natural to us. Take a step back and consider other possibilities which existed which you didn't choose or consider. Make a habit to realize when you take quick decisions and question yourself why you jump to such  conclusions and make decisions.

In any moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing. The worst thing you can do is nothing. Somwtimes  making wrong choice is better than making no choice. Life is about choices, some we regret some we are proud of. Make sure the message is we are what we choose to be.  

May your choices reflect your hopes, not your fears. 








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