Strange ways in Delhi hospital providing health care

Further to my post dated 22nd September, 2022 explaining the irresponsible, shabby manner in which Delhi hospital is, as they call, providing healthcare which results in, nothing,but causing death to patient operated for removal of stone in Gal Bladder. Taken to ICU, kept for 35 days finally death.

Supreme court ordered for a forensic audit of share deal by Fortis healthcare, as reported by media in September last year, No result of such audit, if so happened, has so far come to the knowledge of public till date. Should it be treated as an addition to existing malafide intentional behaviour of hospital or court does not care to have any followup even after more than one year has passed.

Myself, aged 73 years lost my wife who was admitted for removal of stone in gal bladder in August 2021. After keeping her for 35 days in ICU she was put to death by the doctor by switching off the ventilator -reason not known to me till date. On whose orders he did this is not known, signed Death certificate and vanished.

Dr Seth, Director of the hospital when approached said that she was of old age and carrying other problems due to which this has happened. He has taken it lightly, replied in vague manner, surprisingly  the Doctor, if he has done urgery is still on the payroll of hospital. I was told that he has his own private practice outside the hospital. Hospital has their own ways amd means of audit by their own doctors who are also their employees. So their results are as expected and well decided before the start of so called audit.

No fear of nature or loyalty to their profession exists. Only money matters.          

Govt. keeps on giving Grants/Subsidies to hospital which they treat as income for share trading in stock exchanges to  increase their share value. Welfare of patient kept aside, they keep on meeting their budgets surplus. 

Why I am repeating this because the manner in which these activities are happening will sooner or later is going to be a big headache for the Govt. and other law abiding agencies, doesn't matter any Govt. comes to power. 

I have suggested lot of measures in my earlier posts to manage such misdeeds to put these hospitals in order. 




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