Manage Elderly Depression

Feeling down once a while is considered  as a normal part of life.It is considered as Depression if it continue for weeks and months. Depression is a  serious mood disorder. It is a common problem among older adults. There are different types of depression which older people may experience. There are wounds that never show on the body that are deeper and more hurtful than anything that bleeds.It is the inability to construct the future.

1. Major depressive disorder - Includes symptoms for two weeks which interfere person's ability to perform daily chores.
2. Depression due to medical condition - due to a separate illness such as heart disease, multiple sclerosis. 
3. Persistent disorder - depreesed mood that lasts more than two years but the person still be able to perform daily tasks unlike major depressive order.
4. Substance induced depressive disorder - due to use of substances like alcohol,, pain medication.  
Other forms are like seasonal affective disorder, psychotic depression, postmenopausal depression and the like.

There are many things that may be risk factors of depression. For instance, change in brain can effect mood and cause depression. Others may experience depression after major life event, medical diagonsis or a loved one's death. Sometimes, under a lot of stress one can feel depressed. Sometimes one can feel depressed for no reason. 

Everyone needs social connections to survive and thrive. As people age, they often find themselves spending more time alone. Loneliness and isolation are associated with high degree of depression. Depression in older adults may be difficult to recognize.They could be feeling more of a numbness or lack of interest in activities. Also may not be willing to talk about their feelings. 

Following is the list of common symptoms of depression in the sense that people may experience depreesion differently :-

1. Persistent sad, empty or anxious mood.
2. Decreased energy or fatiuge.
3. Feelings of hopelessness, guilt, helpnessess.
4. Moving or talking more slowly.
6. Irritability, restlesnes, having trouble in sitting straight. 
7. Difficulty in memory, taking decisions, concentration.
8. Difficulty in sleeping, waking too early in the morning or oversleeping.
9. Eating more or less than usual, unplanned weight gain loss or gain.

Depresion can also look differently depending upon the individual's cultural background. Common forms ot treatment include medications, psychotheraphy, magnetic stimulation, electoconvulsive therapy.Treatment choices differ for each person, sometimes multiple treatments must be tried to find one that works. Most cases of depression cannot be prevented but healthy lifestyle changes can have long term benefits to the mental health. 

Theee can be - getting 7 hours of sleep each night, take balanced diet, participate in activities, stay in touch with family and friends. Must remember that we try to hide our feelings but forget that our eyes speak. 
If you want to conquer the anxiety of life, live in the moment, live in the breath.






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