Effect of music to cure Depression

Depression is defined as 'Frozen fear'. It is the first cause of illhealth and disability in the world. Its symptoms are persistent sadness, decrease in the activation of brain and inability to perform daily activities. It is often triggered by a mix of genetic psychological and environmental factors. It can also be increased by the occurance of life events such as poverty, death of a loved one, abuse or Physical illness. It sometimes occurs due to hereditary effects also. Its symptoms are due to persistent sadness, loss of apetite, loss of interest in activities, becoming easily agitated, feelings of worthlessness among others. 

Treatment involve identifying the stress factors and sources of support so the individual should maintain social networks and activities. Mood disorders are a class of behaviorial emotional disorders stamped by disruption in mood. Such symptoms can cause sufferings which may even lead to suicide.

Among the various therapies for treatment of Depression, Music is said to be a univesal language It doesn't matter wherever one go around the globe. Music has been a part of human life for thousands of years. It dates back to Ancient Greece but its therapeutic use began in 20th century after World war II ended. Music therapy not only be a helpful treatment for depression in adults, elderly and teenagers, can also be a successful distraction from pain and enhance the mood of those undergoing hospitalization for various ailments. Music is one thing that truly allows one to escape from pain and allows one to be a teenager. 

Music can have a beneficial effect on Brain chemicals such as Dopamine, which is linked to feelings of pleasure and help lower level of stress hormone cortisol. By playing uplifting songs has a significant effect on brain, stimulating to increase feel -good hormones which boost the mood. Music therapy is the clinical use of music to accomplish individualized goals such as reducing stress, improving mood and self expression. 

The way music effects the Brain is very complex. All aspects of music including pitch, tempo and melody are processed by different areas of brain. For instance, the cerebellum processes rhythm, frontal lobes decode the emotional signals and a small portion of the right temporal lobe helps understand the pitch. The reward center of the brain - nucleus accumbens can produce strong physical signs of pleasure such as goosebumps when it hears powerful music.  

Classical and meditation music conveys the greatest mood boosting benefits while heavy metal and techno music are ineffective even detrimental. The notion that music can influence thoughts, feelings and behaviors probably does not come as much of a surprise. There is no doubt that many people have relied on music to get through the pandemic- which brought most social activities to a screeching halt for over a year. 

The skills person learns in music therapy can be useful in their everyday life. They may even take up learning an instrument as a new hobby which they can use for improving their mental health and coping with difficult situations throughout their life. Person can also enjoy a great sense of achievement from creating a piece of music which can improve their mood and self esteem. It allows people to express themselves in a creative way, which can be a more enjoyable way of exploring difficult emotions. 

Lyric analysis is another possible way for people to explore and process difficult emotions, experiences or memories through music.   



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