Truth of Soul
Soul purpose is to understand the truth of who we are and then share with the world. It is a feeling rather than a physical thing. It is why we do something rather than what we do - simple as smiling at a passerby in the street or Grand as trying to save the world.
The most common objection of existence of Soul is the difficulty to explain that how something which is non physical can possibly cause the body to move. The two are so different that possibly cannot interact with each other. We know that one thing can casually interact with each other, though we may not have any idea how such interraction take place. In each case cause seem to have different nature from the effect like forces and fields Vs.solid specially located particle like entities.Those who deny the existence of anything beyond the physical world face difficult time in explaining the reality of conciousness.
Soul is the living entity inside the body and works through it. It is a spiritual spark, other side attached to God so minute unable to be visible to naked eyes or any scientific device size of which, is as explained in old scriptures as one-tenth thousand of the tip of the hair. Since it is in infinitetesimal in size, its existence cannot be perceived in a conditioned state. The symptom of presence of Soul is the conciousness makes us to understand that Soul is present. This presence of conciousness (Soul) is the difference between living and the Dead. One should know that entire body is destructible but not the Soul.
Soul credited with the ability to enliven the body is, as mentioned in the scriptures located in the lungs or heart, in the Pineal gland and generally in the brain made up of atoms like the rest of the body akin to the God, part of world of change and existence. Pineal gland is a tiny organ in the center of brain, is regarded as principal seat of the Soul and the place in which all thoughts are formed and placed. Soul can be divided in three parts-Logical, Spirited and the appetitive part. It speaks of inner life with relation to own experience which includes thoughts, desires, passions and dreams whereas Spirit speaks of the same inner life relation to God, faith, hope, love, character and the preservance.
There are seven postive and seven negative regions where souls go after death. After completing its stay in the respective region, Soul is subjected to rebirth in diferent living forms according to its Karmas. This cycle can be broken after it achieves Moksha /Nirvana. Treat Soul as a seed on which tree is grown of life after, reflecting effect of the Karmas done in the present life.
Always remember that worth of Soul is great in the eyes of the God. It is the wisdom and time given away for to save another struggling soul like yours.It becomes dyed with the colours of thoughts. There is no other teacher than own Soul.