Soul, Moksha and Rebirth
Of all the God's creations human beings are the only one that have the ability to see the invisible, imagine the unbeliveable and do the impossible. Most of the times, we fail to recognize that our real self is far more powerful and capable than we think.We are blessed with the strength to change our destiny when we realize the truth about Karma.
The principles of Moksha have been derived from the effect of Karmas and the affiliated theories of human soul. The concept of Soul exists in all religions but the concept differs from culture to cultiure. Various descriptions are in existence with respect of soul. Hinduism belives that a soul can migrate from one physical existence to another, it can neither be killed nor created.
The status of human soul and rebirth depends on the soul's past karma. The soul is uplifted through good action performed and degraded with every bad action. Self realisation is the key to obtaining Moksha. One should realise that it doesn't matter how fast you run but you cannot run from your karmas.
There are two ways of looking at Karma - Subjective and Objective. The subjective approach is when something bad is done then one's stream of conciousness. brain tells that something wrong is done. and that reduces one's power. The objective approach is when something bad is done, the collective energy of the universe suffers and then blames the person. History has proven that such person over time eventually succumbs to karma, lose power proving that objective approach is the ultimate decider. Karmic dumping ground of our body is the store of many memories. Bodies have their own effective way of doing the talking. Some people are just our karma coming for a payback.
The Karmas act like making glue in making particles and stick to the soul. Karma is the cause of all experiences we have. Karma determines one's destiny and every person has the power to change its destiny by altering their karma. But, for this one has to clarify about what he wants in future.
Be careful on your words, it will be your destiny. Actions are the seeds of fate,deeds grow into destiny. . Change your direction and you will change your destiny. It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves. +