Blog Post - 334 Reiki - a complimentary health approach

Mikao Usai, a Japanese national born on 15th August. 1865 was the father of a form of spiritual practice known as Reiki. He used this as an alternative therapy for the treatment of physical, emotional and manual diseases.Reiki is a combination of two japanese words - "rei" means God's wisdom or the higher power and "ki" means life force energy. Reiki is an energy healing technique which promotes relaxation, reduces stress and anxiety through gentle touch. The practitioners use their hands to deliver energy to the body thereby improving balance and flow of energy to support healing.    

Treatment process starts with the Master placing hands gently on or over a part of body. They leave their palms in that position while an energy transfer occurs which may take upto 10-15 minutes. The practitioner don't perform healing but act as a source through which the energy flows. During healing, one may feel sensations like heat, pulsing or tingling in the body, and many fall asleep. From aches and pains to abundance and prosperity reiki places the power to heal in your hands. 

The techniques that Reiki involves have names as such: 

- Centering

- Clearing

- Beaming

-  Extracting harmful energies

- Infusing

- Smoothing and raking the Aura.

Priciples like 12 laws of Universe, 8 limbs of Yoga are examples of fundamental truths that help guide us in our lives. Reiki, the Japanese energy-healing practice too offers a set of principles as they are commonly called. The principles themselves are comparable to affirmations or intentions, and they are very much about being focused on the here and now. They are there to encourage us to embody the reiki energy throughout the day, every day. There is no right or wrong way to incorporate these principles into your life. They can be used during meditation, as a morning intention or whenever you need them. Just as Reiki helps to receive wharever energy you need right now, the principles helps bring back to spiritual home, back into balance. 

The five Reiki principles are: 

1)  Just for today, do not worry will help ground you when you start considering the future. Our egos get overwhelmed while making imaginary futures living in the present as though the imaginary future we make up in our mind is the real. This practice of tapping into faith and breathing in the present can create significant shift in our individual and collective conciousness. 

2) Just for today, donot anger is not neccessarily a bad thing. When something makes you angry, try to get the root of it. Sit with it for a moment before acting. This is not about suppressing emotions, but rather coming to terms and peeling away the layers to see where the trigger is. It is a reminder to allow the anger to come to surface and vanish in its own time instead of judging it or shaming ourselves for it which makes it a linger longer than necessary.

3) Just for today, be humble especially when we have done something great. If you notice, your ego getting boost of compliments and how wonderful you are,bow to your spirit once a while and love simply to love. 

4) Just for today be honest. Instead of trying to make yourself fit to be accepted or hide the truth of who you are, do the ideology to let your real self shine. 

5) Just for today be compassionate to yourself and others. It acts as a healing balm to anger and judgement.  

During Reiki session, master will move their hands gently above or close to body in a series of positions. Each hand focuses on different parts of the body- Head, shoulders, stomach and feet - held about five to ten minutes depending upon yje person's needs. Very little to no talking during sessions which is for 60 to 90 minutes. The presence of a Reiki practitioner whose training includes ways to support their own grounding is essential.

The Reiki belief system is that the practitioner don't cause the healing, nor are they source of healing energy, they're a channel of energy. Reiki is a spiritual practice like meditation. Reiki gives body a break from the stresses of daily life helping to return to a state of relaxation. Once in that state, body is potentially better to heal any damage brought in by stress, disease or injury. 

The parasympathetic dominant state is where are meant to live in. Reiki helps to support one's autonomic nervous system towards that state of safety, rest, recovery and ease. There are no reported dangers in undergoing Reiki and with no side effects. 















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