Modern slavery and Corruption

Modern day slavery is the acute exploitation of other people for personal or commercial gain. Modern slavery is around us but just out of our sight. From outside, the jobs people are doing look like a normal one. But they are controlled by threats of being their jobs taken away, pushing them into inescapable debt traps and the likewise simply because they are in search of opportunities to save the lives of their families from poverty To achieve this, most fall into oppressive traps.and end up in modern slavery. 

Following are the main common forms of slavery - 

1. Human Trafficking

2. Bonded labour/ Debt bondage.

3. Slavery of children.

4. Forced labour/early marriage

5.  Traditional way of slavery where people are treated as property and their 'slave' status passed down the family line.

Slavery and like forms of exploitation are facilitated and thrive by rampant use of corruption. Whatever the Govt, make laws/ rules and regulations and related controlling measues, unless and until they are not implemented with full integrity, sincerity and effort, no result should be expected favourably. Rules and laws are in existence to control this menace but it is made ineffective by the people who find it against their wishes and desires. Their are firms who profit from coercing workers into employment violating national laws and where corrupt public servants prosecuting violations of rules are willing to turn down the cases if bribed. 

Even Slavery and coerced labour are prohibited globally, they are still present in many countries. Often civil servants keep a blind eye on slavery if they are properly bribed. 

When corruption is priority, honesty becomess evil. Presntly, disobedience is the true form of liberity and the obedient are slaves. This myth must be broken. Knowledge makes a man unfit to be a slave. Stress in imparting better education and making the person more equipped with skills will go a long way in improving the situation of slavery. 

Govt. must take steps to break this link betweem slavery and corruption in order to eradicate this menace from the society. and benefit economy of the nation. 



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