Money saved is money earned

This famous idiom came from the popular Benjamin Franklin's book Poor Richard's Almanac in December 1732. The original meaning signifies importance of saving money which later proves to be beneficial to the earner. For as long as money has existed, people have had thoughts and opinions about it. Money is the fuel that powers the material life on this planet. The reason for the concept is described below:

1. Wise to save money by keeping aside a proportion of the earnings that indicates       earning money.

2.  Formulates the financial benefits of savings and earnings.

3.  Reflects a concept of budgeting money which economically balances income             and savings.

4.  Saving money from certain earning gradually can accumulate to a good                    amount thus equalizing a monthly earning.

5.  Saved money can be a retirement benefit which is an earning at that stage. 

Have a look on the ways that you can start better spending the money in order to reach your financial goals-

1. Track your finances, Long term finances and Drawbacks of purchases 

2. Put money on your Credit card only if you can afford to pay it off every month.

3. Stop trying to impress other people by spending too much money.

4.  Work out what habits drain our budget.

5. Learn to value savings over products.

6. Start investing early. 

Save money and money will save you. Saving is the price of anything of life you can exchange for it. The most basic concept of saving comes to learn how we determine our needs and wants. He who does not buy what he needs, steals from himself.  

Money saved is money earned and money managed is money multiplied. We need to get away with traditional methods of using books, notepads or excels to manage expenditure. Its's time to take advantage of digital tools that are, save time, intuitive and make our lives easier.






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