Your Karma will give you results
Karma is the entire process of cause-and-effect where our actions and intentions directly influence our future. It is the memory of our souls, which means it's often long lasting, even stemming from past lives. Indeed, the course of our current life is mostly predetermined by earlier lifetimes: what we didn't finish then, we come back to finish now. Unpleasant situations are the consequences of lingering karma, which can be always be reversed and resolved. If you want to erase the energy carried over from past lifetimes, you need to acknowledge following five past life karma first -
1. Karma has no expiration date - It is the luggage your life carries on from life to life unlike luggage at the airport which never gets lost. Without even knowing it, you may be experiencing karma that originated several lifetimes ago. But when you do dig through your karmic suitcase then you can confront your outstanding karma and lighten your energetic load.
2. Karma means no person in your life is a coincidence. It places into your life for a reason, and karmic relationships will play out as planned despite your best efforts. That's why it's important to acknowledge the role of each person in your life. Sooner you acknowledge the the truth of the karma you share with someone (good or bad) sooner you can settle it.
3. What you have done, you become - Your actions throughout your various lifetimes become the circumstances of your being, so do your best to live this life truthfully and authentically.
4. Karma can make our roles reverse - Karma often causes us to reincarnate in a reversed manner. Positions shifts throughout lifetimes based on karmic need, whatever dynamic is needed to repair or heal karma will be manifested through changing roles in our cycle of lives on earth. The people you know now may have had a different impact on your previous lives.
5. Karma repeats to produce new results - Karma repeats itself and teach you to take different actions for different results. This calls for honest introspection and evaluation of your own faults and weaknesses, which is admittedly hard to do. Don't be afraid to look within. Recognize what must be changed inside of you so as to change what's outside of you. Then, you can modify your behavior to end karmic patterns and progress in your potential.
Past - life karma is resoundingly present in your current life. Progressing with courage to open your karmic suitcase can change your destiny of lifetimes to come.
I believe in Karma. If the good is sown, the good is collected. Don't waste time on revenge. The people who hurt you will eventually face their own karma.