Preparing for a responsible lock down Exit strategy

In a few weeks' time, leaders across the globe will have to start making decisions about lifting lock down policies, with considerable economic, social and political consequences. It has been observed that several Asian countries have been successfully curbing pandemic through a combination of large -scale testing, contact tracing, isolation and quarantine in parallel with social distancing measures.

The timing to open society is of utmost importance when considering an optimal exit strategy. Many societies have been considering opening when they have reached the 'post peak period'. Though there is no definition for the 'post peak period' to date, experts have shown to agree that a plateau of cases for two weeks may show that health care systems can cope with the number of Covid cases.  However, the timing of reopening cannot be assumed to be the same among all countries, with Governments needing to take into account individual healthcare, economic and social considerations. 

Many societies have taken the approach to open Lockdown in four phases. The precondition is that each phase must be completed before the next is reached. 

Phase I uses community-level physical distancing measure to slow the spread, asking communities to stay at home to slow the spread. In this phase, diagnostic testing and public health facilities should be expanded to allow health care systems to treat the virus and devising a plan for COVID 19 testing. During Phase II, some businesses may begin reopening with COVID 19 measures in place. Phase III is considered the time when effective therapeutic vaccines are available. Lastly, Phase IV, is when society reflects on their preparedness for tackling the next health threat. 

Although many countries are implementing similar staged approaches, plans for opening schools, businesses, travel restrictions, public facilities and transport will be specific for each Government.     

With many approaches being taken, we will learn with the time what measures are optimal to contain the virus in a safe and effective manner. Any releases that we have, will have to happen very slowly, very cautiously, watching and waiting and see the impact of that relaxation what's happening in the population. It's better to be cautious and get the population vaccinated.   

Considering the immense challenge facing Governments to re-open safely, it will be pertinent to share successful approaches and potential roadblocks to ensure we face the burden of COVID 19 together. 




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