Learn from mistakes

Throughout human history, our errors have often been treated as dangerous for a variety of reasons since it often feel dangerous. It is okay to make mistakes. The point is not to humiliate or shame anyone, but to change for the better. Always try not to repeat the same mistake again.The word mistake derives meaning only by comparison to what we desire, what we see as success. Noticing and admitting our mistakes helps us get in touch with our commitments - what we really want to be, do, and have. It sometimes gives a useful experience as how to manage life gracefully.  

We have all heard the sayings "To err is human" and "you live and you learn". We make mistakes everyday, large and small, failures and faux pas. I know it is my shortcomings that make me unique and that I should embrace the stumbles and screw ups. But it is a challenge for me and a challenge for many of us. We live and act in ways to prevent mistakes - not taking risks, expanding our comfort zones or jumping outside the boxes we hide in. But our mistakes and failures are guideposts in our learning and growth. So the mistakes and failures which make us uniquely who we are, but also teach us powerful lessons as below: - 

1. Mistakes teach us to clarify what we really want and how we want to live- Mistakes wake us up and focus our attention on issues that make us feel off track. Working on possible solutions, redefining what we want or expect can lead us to more clarity about our path.  

2. Mistakes teach us to accept our fallibility and face our fear. Facing mistakes often takes us straight to the heart of our fears. 

3. Mistakes teach us about ourselves and how to tell our truth. Admitting the truth allows us to expand our knowledge of self and to know who we are. 

4. Mistakes teach us, through feedback and analysis about what works and what doesn't - a sort of realty check. 

5. Mistakes teaches us to take responsibility. Investigating our roles reminds us that our choices and actions have huge influence on quality of our lives. 

6. Mistakes teach us about integrity. Mistakes often happens when we break promises, over-commit, agree to avoid conflict and fail to listen fully. Big mistakes often start  as small errors. Mistakes can be a signal that our words and actions are out of alignment, to re-examine our intentions, reconsider commitments and adjust our actions. 

7. Mistakes allows us to inspire others. This gives us opportunity to talk through what we could or would have done differently. 

It is well said that 'Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried new'. It is the new experience and exposure that teach you the new things. A life spent making mistakes is not only more honorable, but more useful than a life spent doing nothing. 






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