Causes why people take you for granted

Being taken for granted is an unpleasant but sincere form of praise. In fact, the more reliable you are and less you complain, the more likely you are to be taken for granted.   

I know this truth is harsh but even with your loving and caring nature, you don't get the love and attention you deserve. Even if you are one among them then it is better to analyze  the situation and know why you are taken for granted by others because it hurts people when you genuinely care and love doesn't care about your feelings. 

Some times, it is your mistake that you give them lot of importance and all your feelings and emotions are attached to them. Before finding any solution to this problem, it is important to know why people take us for granted.

Following are the reasons which I understand for the same -

1) They rule your life - There are people who have the power to make cry or smile            and you become weak in front of them. You start living your life the way they want      and try to do whatever makes them happy. The day they know their importance          they will surely take you for granted. 

2) You love them - This is the biggest reason why anyone starts taking you for                   granted. If you have told a person what he/she means to your life, he/she will start       thinking that whatever happens you are never going to go away, moreover when it       is an unconditional love, so it is time to rethink about that relation.

3) You are adjusting - If you are adjusting and emotional in nature and keep others first while taking any decision in the life then people will certainly take you for granted. It is good to be nice to people but start thinking that you wouldn't do anything wrong with them and you will adjust with them in any situation. It is very easy to play with emotions of adjusting person. 

4) Self confidence - Lack of confidence gives permission to others to rule you. Unless and until you don't show your importance, others won't come to know what you mean to their lives. 

5) Never think for getting credits - Even if you are trying to work hard for someone, you never expect to get care and credit in return, then you need to become smarter. Once you show your worth, they will stop taking you for granted. Life is full of give and take. Give thanks and take nothing for granted.   

Above are few major reasons why people start taking you for granted but to avoid such situation, you need not to be rude or bad to them. If you are polite and giving then don't change yourself to show your worth. 

Don't take someone for granted just because you know every time you push them away, they would come back running. Cause one day they won't. 







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